You may move the clouds around, or simply stare at the shocked apple.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
siao arh... todae de maths so hard... sure die de... arhhhhhhhhhhhh... tml still got science... sian... i wan to holidae faster...
11:34 PM
Yours Truly
Name: Ng Wan Ting aka Lambo
First sight: 110997
Wishes: T3nniz rack3t s A new hp A pzp zlim Lapt0p N3w bag of my ch0ic3 N3w p3ncil Cas3 V0ng0la ring c0llecti0n L3arn pian0 0r drum L3arn baking 0r culinary M0r3 cl0th3z Music b0x3z 3v3r lazting l0v3 P.0.T mangaz G0 Japan Buy Kim0n0 Dr3amed high sk00l G00d in sp0rtz 0wn r00m